Saturday, April 30, 2005

No Job For You!

Okay, since I found out I was being laid off I've been on five interviews. One place had me come back for a second and I thought for sure I had it. I found out yesterday I did not get it.

In fact, listen to line of rejection through out the day.
First, I found out I wasn't getting the job, then the guy who was supposed to come and give us a bid on tiling our backsplash doesn't show up. Not only did he not show, but he also told my friends who recommended him that he never talked to me, that he didn't remember me. HA!!

Then I couldn't even get the guy who gave me a bid to paint our stairwell to call me and tell me how much it would cost, and he said he'd call on Friday (yesterday).

Then I had to reschedule my girls poker night because everyone was backing out! UGH!!
The best thing is I went to a Pampered Chef party and I'm thinking if I don't get a job soon, I'll start selling it. Who knows!
Actually, the best thing was having a glass of cheap wine that made me feel very happy! HA!! I'm truly a light weight!!

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